A detailed description of the objects used in the client library
The Instance class represents an instance managed by the library. It contains the instance's metadata, arguments, and status, while also providing a utility method to facilitate integration with the ChatOpenAI wrapper from LangChain.
instance_id (str)
Description: A unique identifier for the instance.
Example: instance-id-1234
base_url (str | None)
Description: The base URL for accessing the instance. This may be None if an instance is not finished initializing.
Generates a dictionary of arguments for initializing a ChatOpenAI client.
This method includes both the instance's predefined configuration and any additional arguments provided.
**kwargs (dict[str, Any]): Optional key-value pairs to include in the returned configuration (eg. temperature).
A dictionary containing the following keys:
"model_name": The model name, equivalent to the HuggingFace model name or the model_id with "--" replaced by "/".
"base_url": The base URL of the instance.
Additional key-value pairs passed via **kwargs.
The InstanceArgs encapsulate the arguments of an instance.
model_id (str):
Description: The internal identifier for the model used in the instance. Equals the HuggingFace model name with the "/" replaced by "--".
Description: The identifier for the hardware type.
Example: NVIDIA_L4_1
context_length (int):
Description: The maximum context length supported by the hardware_type. If None, a default value applies.
Example: 16000
billing_interval (str):
Description: The billing interval for the instance.
Example: per_minute or per_hour.
The InstanceStatus represents the current status and lifecycle information of an instance.
status (str):
Description: The current status of the instance.
Example: "running", "pending" or "stopped"
started_at (datetime | None):
Description: The timestamp when the instance was started. None if the instance hasn't been started yet (eg. it's still initializing).
Example: 2024-11-29T09:05:47.788Z
stopped_at (datetime | None):
Description: The timestamp when the instance was stopped. None if the instance is still running.
Example: 2024-11-29T09:05:47.788Z
init_progress (dict[str, Any] | None):
Description: Progress information for instance initialization. Useful for tracking step-by-step initialization updates. None if the instance is stopped.
current_step (int)
Can be a number between 1 and 5.
num_steps (int)
Defines the total number of steps (5).
description (str)
A description of the current initialization step.
The ModelPreviewobject provides basic information about a model, including its model_id, creator details, configuration options, etc.
model_id (str)
Description: The unique internal identifier for the model.
The HardwareType object defines the specifications and pricing details for a hardware type available for instances. It includes information about the id, pricing, and technical specifications.
hardware_type_id (str)
Description: A unique identifier for the hardware type.
Example: "NVIDIA_L4_1"
price_info (dict)
Description: Contains pricing details for the hardware type.
price_per_hour (float):
The hourly cost of using the hardware.
Example: 1.2
price_per_minute (float):
The per-minute cost of using the hardware.
Example: 0.02
The currency used for the pricing information.
Example: "EUR"
hardware_info (dict)
Description: Provides technical details about the hardware.